Every day, our culture, leaders, media, social circles, urge us to consume a diet of anger, fear, despair. Too often, we feast on fear of others, fear of life, fear of God’s will. As we validate our fear, we build mental fortresses in which we find ourselves imprisoned. As we feed our fears, they grow like any other living thing. We do not realize that just beyond our sight, lies a banquet of Love and Beauty, limitless potential for Good, waiting for us to come to the table and eat.
To feast on love, doesn’t require repressing our emotions or turning a blind eye to the suffering of others. Rather, in the midst of whatever is taking place around us, in spite of the challenges we may face, we can choose what we feast upon. We can change our habits, change our consumption of news and conversation, change the focus of our attention–what we choose for nourishment.
Nourishing ourselves with love and compassion, nurturing the roots of kindness, generosity and joy within us, is life-giving food for the spirit. When we seek out this soul food, regulate our mental and emotional diets, and multiply these spiritual “loaves and fishes” by sharing the food of love with others, we discover that Love is ever available. We do not want for Good.
We can share with those who are suffering from fear and anger, the sustenance of divine love. We can nourish their spirits with the food of prayer, bring the food of comfort, deep listening and kindness–elixirs for the spirit.
When we feast on Love, Beauty and Joy, when we share these gifts with others, we grow into beautiful flowers of pure light. We grow in the embodiment of Love and release the spirit of Joy upon the Earth. Seek out the Good. Feed your spirit with Love and Love grows.
“The Buddha said, ‘Nothing can survive without food.’ Love and hate are both living things. …If you want your love to last, you have to give it food every day.” Thich Nhat Hanh
Eisha A. Mason