I’ve been reflecting on the prayers arriving in my inbox each day. I’ve been musing over the prayers that are sung by our choirs and the prayers that all the elder church ladies whisper softly as they go about their day. I’ve been thinking about the countless prayers that are lifted up in our Prayer Ministries, and the sweet prayers by practitioners-in-training. I gaze at the moon and think of the prayers that are prayed at bedsides of the sick, prayed in solitude in the wee hours of the morning or in the silence of the midnight hour. In meditation, I sense the prayers of ancestors and angels and the prayers of children not yet born. The candles lit, the incense that burns, the flower offerings—the chanting of prayers.
I remember that I abide in a universe saturated with prayer, each prayer existing in eternity, each prayer a quality of Light, the substance of things unseen.
My heart overflows because I know that prayers are real. They are alive! They weave the patterns of beauty in the ethers. They arise within us as wisdom, guidance and inspiration. They are a healing balm, a transforming power, awakening Grace.
Because of these prayers, we are not alone. We are not lacking. We are never lost. We are always loved. We are supplied. We are surrounded and protected. Because of prayer, we live by Grace.
How grateful I am for each of person who prays. I am grateful to be part of a community of prayer. Precious are the beings who speak the Word. For all the blessings they release into heaven and earth, I give thanks.
Affirmation: I join the mighty chorus of prayer that raises the vibration of all life. Let me listen and give voice to the prayer of love and praise sweetly arising in me.
Eisha A. Mason