There are times that I can’t say with absolute conviction (and honesty) that I trust Life. But when I am unsure, I ask myself, “In just this moment, can I trust Life? Can I trust the spirit of God within me? Can I trust Love to prevail?” And then I make a choice, sometimes a leap of faith, to choose over and over and over again to trust the Great Mystery of Life. Every time I choose to say “yes” to Life, my faith increases. My trust deepens. I learn to trust that which does not change, though change is perpetual. I gradually discover that there is that within me that remains constant, unfailing, whole. I can trust that divine essence of my being and my connection something Greater.
Life unfolds day to day, moment to moment. I do not know what will happen next—except that the world, my world of conditions and circumstances will change. I can choose how I respond to those changes. I choose how I will live in this moment, the good I will share in this day, what I will choose to contemplate, how I will use my energy, if I will share love and kindness.
I cannot escape loss–Life is impermanent. But Life is also transformation, triumph, expansion, rebirth. Life is all of it! And so, little by little, I can learn to trust in the unseen power that is ever-present, sustaining my life, forever leading me into a greater experience and expression of divine life as me.
To be human is to experience letting go / loss. It is also new beginnings. No matter what Life presents, there is always my opportunity to love myself, love others, love Life, love God more. I can always choose to be a greater channel for Love, which is the absolute nature of God. Then I am more free and alive, trusting my sacred self and Life Itself.
In the midst of change, I am boundless, eternal life, love, joy!
Eisha A. Mason