Hold On.

We have come through a most difficult year. What do we leave behind in the final days of 2020?  What shall we gather and bring with us into 2021?

In the poem, “For Nothing is Fixed,” legendary American writer James Baldwin concludes: “The moment we cease to hold each other, the moment we break faith with one another, the sea engulfs us and the light goes out.”  I interpret his words in this way: “Hold each other.  We must keep faith with one another, because that is how the Light continues to shine.” 

 Nothing is fixed.  The nature of evolution is change.  How will we navigate our way through the change that is all about us?  How do we remain steady as we face the unknown?  The answer is love and community—holding on to each other.

Holding fast to one another affirms our faith in the essential good in all of us.  It honors our belief in the potential in every human being to awaken and grow, and it recognizes the fundamental human desire to love and be loved.  Keeping faith with one another, holding on to each other, is a healing elixir of great power.

When we love and serve one another, Love is magnified. It becomes contagious, an anecdote to fear and hopelessness.  Even in the midst of things that challenge us, we create beauty.  We are connected to our Source and our faith in the Unseen Good brings down the power of Heaven into the affairs of men. New possibilities emerge.

In this sacred time (which is all time), let us hold on to each other, keep faith with one another, maintain faith in the Infinite, ever-present Good.   Let us keep the light shining brightly in the boundless sea of consciousness.  Let the glorious Light be a beacon for all to follow.

Affirmation: I send a Blessing to all those within my sphere and all those beyond.  We are One.  Let us hold one another and go forward together.

Quote: We are each other’s harvest; we are each other’s business; we are each other’s magnitude and bond.  –  Gwendolyn Brooks

Eisha A. Mason

November 7, 2020


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