When I first read the affirmation: “My peaceful, joyful thoughts protect me,” instantaneously, a current of electricity rippled throughout my body, up and down, and out my fingers and feet. I was startled. The energy was subtle but real. My cells re-configuring–all from this simple juxtaposition of words aligning with the spirit within me.
“My peaceful, joyful thoughts protect me.” This affirmation was not my way to escape the world’s challenges or evade my spirit’s calling. It meant that my mind did not have to anticipate every possible catastrophe. My mind did not need to hold itself on perpetual high alert in order to not succumb to psychic assault. Rather, I could protect my mind, heart and soul with high thoughts of peace, beauty and power. I could fortify the temple of my spirit with my connection to Source.
I protect my mind, I keep my soul safe, by bathing my spirit in images of beauty, sounds and sensations of joy, love, compassion and inspiration. When the chaos and confusion of the world seek to breech the sacredness of my soul, I can restore my heart’s strength with spiritual food and nectar.
Re-charged, I shine like a lighthouse. Radiance pours out from me as I go about my Father/Mother/God’s business. Healing thoughts of peace, beauty and joy light my way as I build the kingdom of Love within me and in the world around me.
Affirmation: My peaceful, joyful thoughts protect me.
Eisha A. Mason