Before the sunrise, the sky waits. At a glance, it seems grey and silent. In the beginning, one must look with a steady gaze to see the subtle tones of silver, mauve, the faintest of blues.
The question: What is seeking to emerge as me? I wait and sense a deep stirring. The sky breathes and a glimmer of pink creeps over the horizon. I say “yes” and with another breath, turquoise and lavender unfold across this skyscape. Yes, to Life, to Joy! Rose and fuchsia splash onto the heavenly canvas of my soul. More colors, layers, purples and pale yellows, golds, unfurl in every direction.
I am not monochrome, not black/white/gray. I am the beauty of soft pastels, the joy vibrant of color, the brilliance of God’s creative expression! Like each sunrise, my soul is one-of-kind glorious, never repeating myself, forever evolving, unfolding, expanding!
I say “yes!” to what is seeking to emerge as me! I cannot name it. I do not know where this calling leads. I don’t know its form. But I see, I feel this flood of color and light throughout my whole being! I sense the space and freedom and splendor rising to the surface and naturally, rhythmically flowing through both body and spirit!
Yes, I allow myself to discover more of my true self. Yes, I welcome the risks of allowing more love to circulate to and from me. Yes, I choose a greater experience of Life. I trust that I can trust That which holds me.
I give permission to this unknown radiance to have its way as me. Like color and light dancing over a limitless New Mexico sky, I am beautiful, alive, inspired/inspiring as I say “yes” to Life seeking to emerge as my greater I am.
Affirmation: I am open and receptive to divine insight, revelation and the gentle release of what no longer serves me. I welcome the greater expression of my true self.
Eisha A. Mason