Learn how to:
- Heal personal, intergenerational and cultural wounds
- Increase your capacity to “hold the tension” between the world as it is and the vision that you hold
- Apply practical skills that help you live according to your values – “Be the change”
- Release overwhelm, anger, fear, despair, loss, guilt, shame
- Take care of your soul in a tumultuous world
“This is a unique, courageous way to continue building community among those of us that seem to operate out of continuous activism. This is the appropriate forum to reconnect with each other, to inspire & nurture our sometimes depleted energies…. We must continue weaving community with threads of imagination, purpose & meaning.”

- Individual counseling
- Group facilitation
- Classes and Workshops
- Consultation
- Retreats
Who can benefit from Soul Work for Social Change:
- Social justice activists
- Peacemakers
- Community members
- People working in social services
- Clergy and spiritual communities

The Community Healing Forum™ (CHF) – A community suffers a significant trauma. Together with the host group, we combine the strengths of culture, community and small group facilitation to restore a sense of connection, calm and hope among community members. CHF reconnects participants with a sense of wholeness within themselves and others. It helps them to find life-affirming meaning in the midst of crisis, so that that they are more prepared to calmly and constructively respond. They emerge with a renewed sense of vision, clarity, and power.
Since 9-11 in 2001, Forums have helped communities respond to the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the murder of Trayvon Martin, the death of Freddie Gray in the custody of Baltimore police, the tragic killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Illinois, the murder of 49 people in an attack on an Orlando gay nightclub, the aftermath of the 2016 presidential election, the trauma of the Senate Kavanaugh hearings in the era of the Me Too movement.
Typical event duration: 3 hours
“That process…was immensely powerful for me….(I started with raging, but that’s hard to admit). …my heart just broke and I’ve been crying ever since. This morning I realized that my heart has broken open and that even though it’s very painful, it’s also very beautiful. [Feels real.]”
“I learned that I am not alone in my struggle to find balance and maintain wholeness in the midst of doing peace work. It was inspiring to hear the words. work, & wisdom of the people in my small group.”
“This is a unique, courageous way to continue building community among those of us that seem to operate out of continuous activism. This is the appropriate forum to reconnect with each other, to inspire & nurture our sometimes depleted energies…. We must continue weaving community with threads of imagination, purpose & meaning.”

Tools to Stay in the Movement – Are you teetering on movement burnout, breakdown or blowup? Join fellow activists and community builders as we explore resiliency skills for individual and community care. Learn somatic-based practices that utilize the body and language of sensation as a mode for resilience, along with community care practices that help us heal and stay healthy together. With Anna Bautista Calomay (3 hours)

Emergence – We are immersed in a time of great Change–personal, national, global. How do we avoid succumbing to overwhelm, anger and fear? How do we remain grounded, optimistic, loving and strong? What is ours to do?
The wisdom to navigate this challenging time is to be found in community. Together, we heal and grow stronger. We increase our capacity to hold the tension between the world as it is (our lives as they are) and the vision we hold. Through our mutual support, we expand our ability to actively participate in the evolution of our own lives, our communities and the planet. We consciously participate in the emergence of a just, caring, sustainable world.

Soul Force for Peacemakers – Learning the internal discipline of nonviolence and the technology of nonviolent social change is essential for our very survival. The world’s great peacemakers and social justice leaders have mastered 10 unique powers that challenge violence while advancing peace and justice. Learn to apply these
10 powers to transform your life and empower you to make change in the world. – 10 week course
“Before, I was afraid to be a peacemaker because I believed it meant being a victim; I was taught that if I stood for peace or raised my voice as a peacemaker, something terrible would happen. I did not believe or understand that peace could be achieved through nonviolent organizing. Now…I feel liberated!” –Joanne Jackson
“The most important thing I learned is that I am not alone… I learned that I am part of a distinguished group of many of the greatest minds the world has ever known. I am one of the givers, the lovers, the peacemakers. I know… the true power of my beliefs and my actions and now, when used effectively, they can transform the world.” –Michele Hutchins, Activist
“This course was life affirming, intellectual, emotional, spiritual, personal and communal; transformation that fed my soul. Soulforce rocks!”.
–Susanna Barkataki, Teacher